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What is Resume Parsing?

What is Resume Parsing?

Resume parsing denotes the machine facilitated and automatic translation of the information embodied in a resume in a structured way. It aids in retrieving specific information like phone numbers, addresses of work history, education and skills of a person. Formatting this information in a manner suits them, allows for better management and analysis of the information concerning the candidates by the recruiters.

The main importance of resume parsing is in its efficiency to handle and process stacks of resumes in a short period. In most cases, for every position, there are operations that attract hundreds, if not thousands, of applicants. Going through each of those applications is painstaking, as well as being fallible because of the possibility of overlooking key details in a person’s resume. Resume parsing does away with quite a bit of this tedious manual work, allowing recruiters to spend their time – and that of the potential workers too – in better ways – on the people and not on files.

How are ATS and resume parsing connected?

An ATS, or applicant tracking system, is a software program that helps recruiters to oversee the hiring process. One of the functional features of an ATS is to parse a resume. It is when a candidate applies for a position the ATS employs a tool which parses the candidate’s resume to retrieve important information.

This link is crucial. For recruiters who rely on an ATS, automated resumes parsing is part of the routine. Automating the candidate data collection process makes this process more effective and less time consuming by eliminating the chances of carrying out repetitive tasks. Therefore, the relationship between ATS and resume parsing helps in improving the recruitment process.

How to test a Resume For Parsing?

It is often the case that if a resume is tested before being submitted for a job, some or all of the best practices for composing it will be followed. This can be done in several ways. The first one is that instead of saving the documents in an uncommon file type, it is better to save them in a more common file type such Word or PDF, because that will increase compatibility. Some parsing resume tools do not have the same capabilities and handle formats differently; therefore, testing is very important.

The next tip is to reduce the complexity of the resume. Very elaborate designs or the large scale use of images may present problems during the parsing phase. A basic structure with sections that are divided distinctively aids in improving parsing results. Also very important is checking for the correct spelling of the particular words. Using specific words that relate to the vacancy offered will however improve the efficiency of the resume parsing system.

At last, it is useful to assess the information which was parsed. If the organization has an ATS, an example of a resume can be uploaded into it and the way the details are pulled out can be studied for differences or omission of certain information. Increasing the chances of a resume being effective resulting in the candidate being noticed include testing a resume for resume parsing. 

Types of  Resume Parsing

Resume parsing can be categorized into several types, each offering unique features and benefits. Knowing the various types enables the recruiters to opt for the most appropriate one for their pursuit whether they are looking for even a single keyword from a resume or the ability to scan a whole range of resumes in a very short time.

Types of Resume Parsing

  •  Keyword parsing

The process of keyword parsing aims at pinpointing particular keywords and phrases that are relevant to the job description. When the resumes are parsed, the software pulls out such key terms and this assists the recruitment personnel in screening the candidates within the stipulated requirements. It is important in this method why resumes are particularly tailored to include certain keywords.

  • Bulk resume parsing

When handling hundreds of employment applications, jaw bulk resume parsing is paramount for recruiters. In bulk parsing of resumes, many resumes can be processed at the same time, which enables the recruiters to remove all unwanted applicants fast. It is worth noting that the use of parsing resume tool during peak periods of recruitment provides an excellent investment in time and resources.

  •  Statistical parsing

Statistical parsing utilizes sophisticated techniques to dissect the language and formatting of CVs. This method is not limited to keyword searching since it evaluates the relevance and quality of information retrieved. Skills such as statistical parsing also enable recruiters to view the applicants’qualification in a more sophisticated light thus the evaluation becomes richer

Reasons Why Recruiters must use Parsing

There are many reasons why implementing resume parsing in the recruiting process is advantageous for recruiters. Foremost, automating data capturing greatly reduces the time wasted when conducting a manual culling – this enables recruiters to direct their energies towards more worthwhile activities such as interviewing or engaging candidates. Secondly; the introduction of resume parsing improves precision in assessing applicants and therefore assists in better selection of candidates and reducing the degree of errors that come with manual screening. In the end, all this makes the recruiterment process less complex and more effective.

  • Access Candidate Data From one place to another

One significant advantage of resume parsing is the feasibility of consolidation of candidate details. Rather than going through several applications one by one, the recruiters can view the entire data in one place. This centralization eases the recruitment procedure and improves the effectiveness of inter-candidate comparison and analysis.

  •  Saves time

Recruitment is one area where time management is particularly valuable. By using a parsing resume tool, recruiters are able to enjoy great time savings in as much as they don’t have to do manual screening of resumes. Automation enables recruitment teams to take on tasks that are more strategic in nature for instance interviewing and interacting with candidate pools. It is therefore, no wonder that such operational efficiencies usually translate to faster hiring processes and enhanced productivity in general.

  •  Maintain Standard Format

Resume parsing provides guarantees that the candidate information that has been collected will be stored in a particular structure. Standardization is important to enable proper evaluation and analysis of a number of applicants. Vertical approach helps in establishing the important skills and qualifications to the recruiter in doing their work effectively and fast.

  •  Data Security

Due to the massive growth of the internet and threat perception mode, the enhancement of privacy of information has become a major issue. In view of this, it is appropriate to use effective resume parsing software tools with embedded security features. Most of these programs usually have special features availed that help in keeping the applicants private information safe, enabling companies to follow the law. Protective measures in respect to information help build candidates’ trust as well as protect the image of the organization.

Reasons Why Recruiters must use parsing



  1. What is resume parsing?

Resume parsing is the automated process of extracting key information from resumes and converting it into a structured format. This technology enables recruiters to manage and analyze candidate data more effectively, streamlining the hiring process.

  1. What are the types of resume parsing?

There are several types of resume parsing, including keyword parsing, bulk resume parsing, and statistical parsing. Each type serves different needs, such as focusing on specific keywords, processing multiple resumes simultaneously, or analyzing the context and quality of information.

  1. How are ATS and resume parsing connected?

Applicant Tracking Systems (ATS) utilize resume parsing to automate the extraction of candidate information from resumes submitted during the application process. This connection enhances the efficiency of recruitment by organizing data for easier analysis and comparison.

  1. Why Recruiters Must Use Parsing?

Recruiters should use resume parsing to save time on manual resume screening, improve data accuracy, and centralize candidate information. By automating these processes, recruiters can focus on more strategic tasks, leading to quicker hiring decisions and a more efficient recruitment process.


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